support state leaders in building comprehensive, equitable early childhood systems across the many child- and family-serving sectors and setting policy that guides implementation of services and best practices for children prenatal to age five and their families. Carey co-leads the state services team that supports a network of 12 states, and provides consultation, learning opportunities, peer-to-peer exchanges, and in-state planning and implementation assistance. Carey has additional expertise in early childhood mental health, infant toddler policy, health equity, and preventing expulsion and suspension in the early years.
Work History
- Senior Policy Manager, Start Early: Carey came to BUILD with more than 12 years at Start Early, most recently consulting with states on early childhood policy and advocacy strategies. She also coordinated the Start Early’s Birth to Five Project, a statewide effort that identified system gaps and barriers, developed solutions, and linked the many efforts that were underway in Illinois.
- Illinois Association for Infant Mental Health, Board Member 2006-2014
- Manager of Intern and Volunteer Services for children living in foster care and residential treatment, Hillside Family of Agencies
- Sociotherapist, Hillside Children’s Center
- Masters of Arts, Administration & Policy, Family Support; University of Chicago, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
- Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Religion & Classics, University of Rochester
- Presidential Management Fellowship Program Finalist, United States Office of Personnel Management
- Brinks Family Support Fellowship, University of Chicago
- The Voices of Michigan’s Early Care and Education Teachers: Children’s Challenging Behavior, Expulsion, Disparities, and Needed Program Supports
- Building a Comprehensive State Policy Strategy to Prevent Expulsion from Early Learning Settings
- Setting a Direction for Early Childhood Leadership: A Capacity Inventory for Advocacy Organizations
- Including Health in a School Readiness Agenda: Lessons from Illinois
- Incorporating Comprehensive Developmental Screening into Programs and Services for Young Children
Opportunity Denied: Let’s End Expulsions Across Early Learning Settings