Compensation Initiatives for Child Care
Policy and Research Review
- Improving Child Care Compensation Backgrounder
- Find examples of ways states are implementing compensation scales and standards, wage stipends and bonus payments, individual tax credits for child care educators, child care stabilization subgrants, child care assistance, benefits, apprenticeships, and pre-K parity for child care.
- Investments in Child Care are Needed to Improve Provider Pay and Reduce Parent Expense
- Unworthy Wages: State-Funded Preschool Teacher Salaries and Benefits
- Center for the Study of Child Care Employment Early Childhood Workforce Index 2020
- 2020 edition of the Index continues to track state policies in essential areas like workforce qualifications, work environments, and compensation. The report provides updated policy recommendations as well as principles and policy recommendations, and spotlights state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- CSCCE Early Educator Pay Map
- The Early Childhood Workforce Index includes a profile for every state and the District of Columbia with detailed information on early educator wages and state policies. Compare the states and territories using the interactive mapping tool.
- 50-State Early Educator Policy and Practice Research
- A comprehensive exploration of multiple areas and challenges the field faces to determine why states struggle to make progress for the early educator workforce, where progress should be made, and what barriers need to be overcome.
- Early Educator Preparation and Compensation Policies: Voices from 10 States
- This report, commissioned by the Early Educator Investment Collaborative, offers a detailed look at on-the-ground experiences on why reform is so difficult, providing insight into how the field makes change, particularly as circumstances become increasingly dire.
Financing Child Care and the Cost Quality
- Financing Early Educator Quality
- This site offers customized figures for helping each state solve the child care crisis. This report is a complement to the concurrently published report Who’s Paying Now? The Explicit and Implicit Costs of the Current Early Care and Education System, which is linked to at the top of the page.
- School-Age Care: Overlooked and Under-resourced
- Supporting Infants and Toddlers Through Federal Relief and the American Rescue Plan
- Investing in Child Care and Early Education Supports Families and Strengthens Economies Advancing Equitable State Child Care Policies Using ARPA and Other Relief Funds
- Child Care Assistance Spending and Participation in 2019
- Capping the Co-pay: A State-by-State Analysis
- Investments in Child Care are Needed to Improve Provider Pay and Reduce Parent Expense
- Mitigating the Criminalization of Black Children through Federal Relief
Examples from States and Communities