Work It Out @ Your Library with the Wombats!
February 12
2:00 PM EST
State and community leaders seek to connect children and families to resources supporting children’s growth and development. And families, early childhood programs, and communities benefit from opportunities in the community that are tailored for young children. With this in mind, a partnership between public television and libraries has developed “Work It Out @ Your Library!,” a new program that aims to create high-quality learning experiences for children and their families. This webinar will introduce you to the program built around “Work It Out Wombats!,” the national PBS Kids television series for 4-6-year-olds. Through hands-on activities, library story time sessions, animated videos and a family app (all available free of charge), this flexible program helps library staff guide families through the exploration of computational thinking. The webinar will also cover why computational thinking skills are important for young children, how to access these free, multimedia resources, how they have been used to run fun and engaging programs in libraries, and how you can use them too.
- Sherri Stewart, President/CEO, Leaders Making It Possible, Inc., BUILD Initiative Consultant
- Mary Haggerty, Director of Media Engagement, WGBH
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