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Child Care Compensation Counts: 8 Strategies

December 13 2021
12:00 PM EST

Spend an hour to learn more about child care compensation strategies. You'll get an overview of eight strategies and hear from three leaders about their work to address inequitable child care compensation. Hear about Delaware's just released compensation scale, Illinois' multiple strategies, and a new effort just underway in Pennsylvania.

Madeleine Bayard, Delaware Early Childhood Council and Rodel
Jamilah R. Jor’dan, Ph.D., Illinois Governor’s Office of Early Childhood
Mai Miksic, Children First (Philadelphia)

Harriet Dichter and Ashley LiBetti, BUILD consultants

The Improving Child Care Compensation Backgrounder 2021 provides tactical information to help leaders better understand the policy levers available to support early educator compensation, which is so critical right now when we can finally address this critical problem. In this update, we’ve included examples of state and counties implementing in different ways the eight strategies covered in the backgrounder, which are: compensation scales and standards, wage stipends and bonus payments, individual tax credits for child care educators, ARPA child care stabilization subgrants, child care assistance, benefits, apprenticeships, and pre-K parity for child care.

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