Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) Policies and Supports Across the Nation
February 21 2023
3:00 PM EST
There is a growing recognition that legally unregulated home-based child care (HBCC), also referred to as care provided by family, friends, and neighbors (FFN), is the most common type of child care in the US. While families from all socioeconomic, racial, and cultural backgrounds are likely to rely on FFN care at some point, it is especially common among immigrant, refugee, and dual language learner (DLL) families as well as families with low incomes, families with parents working nontraditional schedules, families living in rural areas, families with children with disabilities and special needs, and families with infants and toddlers . The documented decrease in the number of regulated HBCC programs shows that families of infants and toddlers are likely relying more and more on unregulated FFN care.
Join us as presenters discuss findings from the soon-to-be-released brief, State Scan of Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) Policies and Supports.
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It Takes a Whole System to Support Whole Families and Whole Children: Webinar Series Kickoff Resources
Video February 17, 2025
This recording and slide deck are from the February 6, 2025 webinar, It Takes a Whole System to Support Whole Families and Whole Children.
Improving Outcomes for Children in the Child Welfare System: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is Key
Blog January 27, 2025
Since 2020, BUILD Initiative has explored how the child welfare and early childhood systems – including all child-and-family serving systems -- can align and work together to achieve better outcomes for children and families. According to Dr. Cynthia Tate, who leads the project, several states are developing promising programs, policies, and strategies that can provide inspiration for other states.
From Mandated Reporting to Mandated Supporting: What Will It Take?
Video January 17, 2025
This recording and slide deck are from the third webinar in the "Moving Away from Family Separation: Cross-systems Strategies to Support Young Children and Families at Risk of Child Welfare Involvement" webinar series.