Provide Services to Underserved Children
- State and Regional Actions
- Report catalogs state/regional actions in the past year to strengthen/support Head Start/Early Head Start from across the 50 states. Many are replicable with PDG focus and resources.
- State Investments in Head Start to Support At-Risk Children and Families
- Issue brief (from 2020; being updated now) showcases how states invest in Head Start/Early Head Start to support at-risk children and their families.
- Policy Brief: State Efforts to Expand Early Head Start
- How expanding Early Head Start can help states meet goals for infants/toddlers/pregnant women. Policy options explored.
- Head Start United: Removing Barriers to Access for Children and Families
- Research on barriers to accessing Head Start/Early Head Start (and most of which apply to child care/pre-K, too). Recommendations for helping families with low-incomes access ECE.