Elevating a Logic Model and Evaluation Plan
This slide deck, Elevating a Logic Model and Evaluation Plan, from BUILD’s 2018 Meeting, Making the Most of It – Birth to Five Preschool Development Grant Meeting, provides information on logic model development, tips to ensure that the logic model addresses the guidance for the PDG Grants, and ways to align a performance plan to the logic model.
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Building a State Policy Roadmap to Strengthen the Earliest Years
Archived Webinar September 1, 2020
The theme of the inaugural 2020 National Prenatal-to-3 Research to Policy Summitis Building a State Policy Roadmap to Strengthen the Earliest Years.
ECDataWorks: Advancing Early Childhood Policy and Practice through Strategic Use of Integrated Data
Website July 1, 2020
ECDataWorks provides innovative opportunities for collaborating states to improve the delivery and use of their early childhood data among state policymakers and practitioners.
Race/Ethnicity & Languages of Oregon’s Emergency Care Workforce
Report April 23, 2020
This report provides an overview of the race/ethnicity and languages of the Emergency Child Care (ECC) workforce in Oregon during the COVID-19 pandemic.