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Integrating Anti-Racist Approaches in Statewide Quality Improvement Systems

Archived Meeting Resources
August 24, 2022

This session was presented during the BUILD 2021 National Conference.

The public investment in early learning systems has increased significantly and is projected to continue to increase significantly in the coming years. With the expansion of access to early learning programs, this is an opportune time for long-term planning for system building that is grounded in the principles of racial equity within the classroom. Learn about the Assessing Classroom Sociocultural Equity Scale (ACSES), a tool that captures the quality of interactions between early learning professionals and children of color, how the State of Delaware is thinking about integrating the ACSES and lessons learned from Florida’s systems building afforded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, 2009). As a bonus, you will hear about opportunities to integrate the ACSES in your Head Start program.

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