Ohio State Policy Checklist: Medicaid/CHIP Policies to Support Young Children
This chart provides a checklist of all of the Ohio state policies aligned with Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) in 2017.
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Food Sovereignty: Combatting Childhood Obesity in Native American and Black Communities
Blog November 22, 2021
This blog was written with input from Barb Fabre, CEO, Indigenous Visioning; Trisha Moquino, Co-Founder/Education Director, Keres Children’s Learning Center; A-dae Romero-Briones (Kiowa/Cochiti), Director of Programs, Native Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative; and Gale Spotted Tail, Rosebud Sioux Tribe Child Care Services/Lakota Language Preservation Project.
Investing in Farm to Early Care and Education: A Funders’ Guide to Nourishing Children, Families and Communities
Article October 1, 2021
This guide is for funders and all who seek to support farm to early care and education programs that nourish children, families and communities. It overviews farm to early care and education and its benefits, describes challenges within our food and learning systems that farm to early care and education seeks to solve, spotlights community-based initiatives, and outlines how funders can play a role in supporting communities by expanding farm to early care and education.
August 2020 Newsletter
Newsletter August 1, 2020
The National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers Capacity Building Hub’s newsletter highlights the PN-3 work underway in the Pritzker Children’s Initiative’s grantee states and communities. Read this newsletter for updates on what’s happening in South Carolina, Nebraska and other areas.