This program agenda provides an overview of the 2018 QRIS Meeting – Sparking Solutions and Sharing Systems Strategies. The document lists all of the sessions focused on infant and toddler care.
This resource list supports a presentation - Maximizing CCDF Impact for Infants and Toddlers Financing Strategies to Build Supply of Infant and Toddler Care -from the 2018 QRIS Meeting.
This program agenda provides an overview of the 2018 QRIS National Meeting – Sparking Solutions and Sharing Systems Strategies. The document lists all sessions, sponsors and conference events.
In this letter to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, experts in child welfare, juvenile justice and child development from several organizations renew their concern regarding the agency's actions in harming children by separating them from their parents at the border.
In this blog, Georgia's assistant commissioner of Pre-K and Instructional Supports shares seven key elements in the state's approach to assuring high quality for infants and toddlers.
In 2017, CLASP conducted a six-month study to understand how young children and early childhood professionals are
affected by immigration policy changes. This first-of-its kind research included interviews and focus groups with more
than 150 early care and education providers and parents in six states. Our study shows that early childhood providers
play a central role supporting millions of young children and their parents during a time of stress and fear.
This report is based on a six-month study CLASP performed to understand how young children and early childhood professionals are affected by immigration policy changes. This first-of-its kind research included interviews and focus groups with more than 150 early care and education providers and parents in six states.
In 2017, CLASP conducted a six-month study to better understand how young children, ages eight and under, are
affected by immigration policy changes. This first-of-its kind research included interviews and focus group sessions
with more than 150 early care and education providers and parents in six states.
This guide is intended to help school officials form practical plans to protect the rights of
immigrant students and their families. California law-enforcement agencies are prohibited under
state law from performing the functions of an immigration officer. But local educational agencies
should be aware that although U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are the agencies with primary responsibility for federal
immigration enforcement, there are instances in which other law-enforcement agencies may
attempt to enforce federal immigration laws.