Promoting Young Chidlren’s Healthy Development in Medicaid and CHIP
Medicaid, along with CHIP, serves four out of five young children in poverty. Yet Medicaid can do more to elevate the needs of these children. This paper examines ways for state and federal policymakers to use Medicaid and CHIP to more effectively put young children on the best path for success in school and in life.
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Story of the Granny Midwives
Video April 24, 2023
This video about the original midwives, is a reminder of the the systematic eradication of Black midwives, as well as the hope and promise of the work Black midwives and doulas are reclaiming.
All My Babies: A Midwife’s Own Story
Video April 24, 2023
All My Babies: A Midwife's Own Story is a 1953 educational film written, directed and produced by George C. Stoney which was used to educate midwives in the Southern United States and promote greater cooperation between midwifery and the modern health system. It was produced by the Georgia Department of Public Health. The film follows Mary Francis Hill Coley (1900–66) an African American midwife from Albany, Georgia who helped deliver over 3,000 babies in the middle part of the 20th century.
Start How You Want to Finish: System-Stretching Strategies for Advancing Birth Equity
Archived Meeting Resources January 9, 2023
This session was presented during the BUILD 2022 National Conference.