Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan 2024-2028 is grounded in equity, the science of child development, and a firm understanding that it takes leaders from early care and education, health, higher education and workforce development, housing, human services, and public education—along with families, communities, and the public and private sectors—to work together during this critical period of children’s lives. Raise Up Oregon: A Statewide Early Childhood System Plan 2024-2028 outlines meaningful actions to better serve the 43,000 children born each year in Oregon and their families.
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Work It Out Wombats! Family App
Fact Sheet February 27, 2025
Designed for adults and children to use together, the App has everything families need to have fun learning computational thinking (CT).
Bridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care
Article February 21, 2025
This article presents findings from an implementation study of a pilot project that connected pregnant and parenting youth in care with home visiting services. It draws primarily on semistructured interviews conducted with the practitioners who delivered those services and the parents who received them. We find that home visiting services can be delivered successfully to pregnant and parenting youth in care and that both practitioners and parents reported that parents benefit from those services. We also find that engaging and delivering services to pregnant and parenting youth in care presents substantial challenges and that home visiting programs sometimes deviated from their standard practices in response. The study has implications for future efforts to provide home visiting services to pregnant and parenting youth in care or to other families involved in the child welfare system.