Two Systems, One Vision: Quality Early Care and Education for Children in Foster Care
The first webinar in the Child Welfare Webinar Series. Moving Away from Family Separation: Cross-systems Strategies to Support Young Children and Families at Risk of Child Welfare Involvement.
Researchers from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, the National Center for Children in Poverty, and SRI Education are working with Arkansas’s Office of Early Childhood and other state partners to strengthen the early care and education (ECE) experiences of young children in foster care (birth through age 5). Presenters shared how they are adapting the Learn, Innovate, and Improve model (Derr et al., 2018) to 1) learn about the facilitators and barriers to children in foster care’s participation in high-quality ECE, 2) use project findings to develop and test strategies to increase children in foster care’s participation in high-quality ECE, and 3) use rapid learning methods to improve the feasibility, implementation, and impacts of selected strategies. They also discuss how Arkansas’s targeted Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program called Project PLAY is supporting children in foster care who may be at risk for expulsion. Session attendees learn about ways to examine child care experiences of children in foster care in their state and potential strategies for improving ECE access and quality for children in foster care.
Cynthia Tate, Ph.D., BUILD Initiative
- Nikki Edge, Ph.D. – University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Sheila Smith, Ph.D. – National Center for Children in Poverty
- Todd Grindal, Ed.D. – SRI Education
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Improving Outcomes for Children in the Child Welfare System: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is Key
Blog January 27, 2025
Since 2020, BUILD Initiative has explored how the child welfare and early childhood systems – including all child-and-family serving systems -- can align and work together to achieve better outcomes for children and families. According to Dr. Cynthia Tate, who leads the project, several states are developing promising programs, policies, and strategies that can provide inspiration for other states.
From Mandated Reporting to Mandated Supporting: What Will It Take?
Video January 17, 2025
This recording and slide deck are from the third webinar in the "Moving Away from Family Separation: Cross-systems Strategies to Support Young Children and Families at Risk of Child Welfare Involvement" webinar series.
From Barriers to Opportunity: Confronting Systemic Barriers to Early Childhood and Poverty-Reduction Programs
Report December 12, 2024
This report from EdTrust-New York highlights a crisis in childcare availability, with more than 60% of New York classified as a childcare desert. Recent improvements to the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) have not significantly increased accessibility, as families still encounter complex application processes and stringent eligibility requirements. Many parents struggle to find available slots or are unaware of available programs altogether.