Scholarships and other resources to Support Credentials/Degree Attainment
Policy and Research Review
- Early Educator Preparation and Compensation Policies: Voices from 10 States
- This report, commissioned by the Early Educator Investment Collaborative, offers a detailed look at on-the-ground experiences on why reform is so difficult, providing insight into how the field makes change, particularly as circumstances become increasingly dire.
- Early Childhood Education Apprenticeships: The Why, What, and How
- This brief provides an overview of ECE apprenticeships and their components. It also offers several state examples to spotlight the different approaches states have taken. State Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Administrators, state Professional Development Leads, Child Care Resource & Referral agencies (CCR&Rs), and Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) can use this brief to better understand the requirements of an ECE apprenticeship program and assess the state’s readiness for such a program.
- Early Educator Preparation Landscape
- A deeper look at educator preparation systems—their role in the early care and education system and why states need to take this key component into consideration.
Examples from States and Communities