This document announces the development of Illinois’ Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health (I/ECMH) data system. The system will include a statewide, searchable database of I/ECMH consultants in the state, either full-time or part-time.
Action is needed to ensure that family child care remains a strong, healthy component of the early childhood education system. This brief examines the reasons family child care homes close and offers information that your state, territory, or tribe can use to solve this problem.
This presentation by the Otero Strategy Group discusses building a comprehensive prenatal – to-three strategy to drive change for children and families in Washington, DC.
This slide deck from the Center for Law and Social Responsibility (CLASP) explores the opportunities in CCDBG to support infants and toddlers. Included are a look at the federal context for child care policy, the current state of access and opportunity, and first steps and next steps to take advantage of the opportunities for supporting infants and toddlers.
This slide deck from the webinar, Trauma-Informed Services and Policies to Support Immigrant and Mixed-Status Families in early Care and Education, provides promising strategies and practice for policy and legislation.
This slide deck from the webinar, Trauma-informed Services and Policies to Support Immigrant and Mixed-Status Families in Early Care and Education, outlines a trauma-informed approach to working with providers and families and ways to promote resilience in the workforce and address the impacts of this work on providers.
In our July 11, 2019 webinar, A Trauma-Informed Approach to Working with Providers and Families, we discussed strategies for supporting providers as well as the need for reflective supervision. We review some of that information here.