Funding Our Future: Generating State and Local Tax Revenue for Quality Early Care and Education provides early childhood leaders with funding strategies for increasing the revenue from state and local sources that can be directed to high-quality early care and education. Part of strategic planning is addressing sustainability and revenue is part of sustainability planning.
The Equity Action Framework is designed to support individuals and groups that want to advance racial equity in early childhood systems. The goal of a racial equity approach is to develop policies, practices, and programs that provide opportunity, promote fairness and access, and remediate racial inequities.
11 guides that can assist with needs assessment, planning and implementation across the PDG B-5 systems approach. Topics are: Understanding Systems Building; Leadership; Strategic Plans; Sustaining Gains; Strategic Relationships; Communications; Program Design & Implementation; Financing; Program Evaluation and CQI: Project Management; and Capacity Self-Assessment Tool
This report details the need for a systemic approach to financing the prenatal to five system. It explores the needs of New Mexico’s families and young children and the associated costs and revenue for high-quality programs and services to meet those needs. Then it discusses system components (Shared Leadership (Governance) and Administration; Financing Strategies and Funding Mechanisms ; Assessment and Planning ; Quality Improvement; Implementation and Evaluation ; Professional Development, Training and Technical Assistance; Monitoring and Accountability and the outcomes associated with each of these.
This six-part webinar series explores how fiscal, governance, and equity strategies can be used to make progress on a robust agenda for young children and their families. The series introduces resources and tools to help states engage in this work and highlights the benefits of developing a comprehensive strategy that is aligned with a vision for the prenatal to five system.
This resource supports discussion and decision-making on building and refining a statewide home visiting system by defining each component, outlining the impact and importance of the component, and delineating common activities of the component. It questions to prompt discussion of key factors for the system approach to planning in your state and individual context.