Funding Announcement
In summary, the PDG B-5 grants will support States in their efforts to analyze the current landscape of their ECE mixed delivery system and implement changes to the system that maximize the availability of high-quality early childhood care and education options for lowincome and disadvantaged families across providers and partners, improve the quality of care, streamline administrative infrastructure, and improve State-level early childhood care and education funding efficiencies.
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Supporting Multilingual Learners
Report August 17, 2023
As the number of young multilingual learners— children who speak language(s) other than English—increases throughout the country, the focus on supporting language development, rooted in diverse cultural, linguistic, and developmentally appropriate practices, becomes a critical component of the early childhood care and education (ECCE) system.
The Importance of Family Engagement in Supporting Emerging Bilingual Learners
Archived Meeting Resources January 9, 2023
This session was presented during the BUILD 2022 National Conference.
Home-Based Child Care: Supporting HBCC Educators Whose Primary Language is Other than English
Archived Meeting Resources December 17, 2021
This is the slide deck from the November 16 webinar, Home-Based Child Care: Supporting HBCC Educators Whose Primary Language is Other than English. Home-Based Child Care is popular because many providers offer flexible schedules and are more familiar and affordable to families than child care centers. In addition, many families are able to find home-based providers with cultural and/or linguistic backgrounds similar to their own. Nearly one-fifth of the ECE workforce are immigrants, with many educators speaking languages other than English, and close to a quarter of all HBCC providers speaking Spanish. During this webinar, participants learned how states and communities can recognize and support this critical population of educators.