Making the Most of the NCIT Hub: Capacity Building Supports for States
This report documents a Q&A session with the Alliance for Early Success about the major pieces of legislation to address the widespread impact of COVID-19. The primary focus of this discussion was the impacts of unemployment insurance on the child care field.
Explore More
Report February 1, 2023
The BUILD Initiative is a national effort that advances state work on behalf of young children (prenatal through five), their families, and communities. BUILD staff partner with early childhood state leaders focused on early learning, health and nutrition, mental health, child welfare, and family support and engagement to create the policies, infrastructure, and cross-sector connections necessary for quality and equity. BUILD provides consultation, planning, and tailored implementation assistance, learning opportunities, resources, and cross-state peer exchanges. These efforts help state leaders improve and expand access to quality and promote equitable outcomes for our youngest children.
State Opportunities to Improve Health Care Coverage for Child Care Professionals
Report November 29, 2022
This brief outlines opportunities for states to improve health care coverage for child care professionals. It highlights current strategies used by states that create options and improve access to affordable health care coverage.
What We Know and Need to Know About How State ECE Policy Can Reduce Disparities in Outcomes for Infants and Toddlers
Archived Meeting Resources August 25, 2022
This session was presented during the BUILD 2021 National Conference.